Edd Ui Continued Claim How Long After Certifying Do I Get Paid

Exact Answer: 1 Week To 1 Month

The Employment Development Department offers many programs for its employees working in California. Some of the major programs that the employment Development Department offers are unemployment insurance benefits, essential needs, financial resources, food assistance, housing, help for families, jobs paid family leaves, disability insurance, and non-industrial disability insurance.

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How Long After Certifying For Unemployment Will I Get Paid In California?

There are 4 different ways to apply for unemployment insurance in California. The 4 methods are Unemployment Insurance Online Method, Unemployment Insurance Online Mobile Method, Employment Development Department Tele-Cart Method, Unemployment Insurance Mail Method. Depending upon all these methods to get certified, the time it takes to get certified for unemployment insurance in California to receive its benefits varies.

Ways To Get Certified Time
UI online method 1 week
UI online mobile method 2 weeks
EDD tele-cart method 2 to 3 weeks
UI mail method Up to a month

The first and second methods, which are, unemployment insurance online method and unemployment insurance online mobile method are both online methods and quite similar. To avail of benefits and get paid through unemployment insurance through these online methods can be done by logging into a benefits program online for California and then either choosing an unemployment insurance online method or an unemployment insurance online mobile method.

The only difference between both these methods is that the unemployment insurance online method is for people who have to report work and wages. Whereas, for the ones who don't have work or wages to report, they can get certified through the unemployment insurance online mobile method.

Unemployment Insurance Online Method is the fastest method among all and takes only about 1 week for you to get paid and receive all the benefits. While on the other hand, the unemployment insurance online mobile method takes a bit longer as compared to the unemployment insurance online method which can take up to 2 weeks.

To get certified with the employment Development Department Tele-Cart Method, one needs to do it over the phone. In this method, you will have to call the unemployment insurance self-service phone line and follow the further instructions given over the call. This method can take anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks.

Lastly, the unemployment insurance mail method is done through mails. This method can take up to a month for you to receive all the benefits of unemployment insurance.

Why Does It Take That Long For You To Get Paid After Certifying For Unemployment In California?

One of the most useful and the most popular programs as well, among all the programs and insurances in California is unemployment insurance benefits. This program is available for both pandemic unemployment insurance and permanent unemployment insurance.

As the vigorous spread of the COVID 19 virus led to a complete lockdown overall among so many countries, many companies were shut down, offices were closed and all such people working in these companies lost their jobs. Pandemic unemployment insurance has many benefits which can be availed by people who lost their jobs, or their source of only income during the ongoing COVID 19 pandemic.

Whereas, permanent unemployment insurance provides many benefits which can be availed by people who got unemployed, lost their jobs, or their only source of income due to some of the other reasons. These reasons could be physical disabilities or other such reasons which prevent the person from working anymore.

If you are someone who is out of work or have got your working hours reduced as compared to average working hours, then you pass the main eligibility criteria to get certified for unemployment in California. As a result, you will become eligible to receive unemployment insurance benefits.


In general, it takes around 1 week to 3 weeks to get certified for unemployment insurance and receive its benefits. If you are thinking of applying for unemployment insurance in the employment Development Department then you can apply through many methods available. Most importantly, these factors are not just about the ways to apply for unemployment insurance, but these factors also are a major point that determines the time duration and how long it will take you to get certified for unemployment insurance and receive all the benefits in California.


  1. https://www.capolicylab.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/May-21st-Analysis-of-California-UI-Claims-During-the-COVID-19-Pandemic.pdf
  2. https://www.capolicylab.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/Dec-21st-Analysis-of-CA-UI-Claims-during-the-COVID-19-Pandemic.pdf


Source: https://exactlyhowlong.com/how-long-after-certifying-for-unemployment-will-i-get-paid-in-california-and-why/

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