Easy Electric Skillet Recipes With Pork Chops
Twenty Minute Pork Chops
Last week there was a super duper sale on pork chops. They were only $1/lb or in Canada a deal of $2.20/kg. When you combine that price with the knowledge of how to read a meat label and grocery best prices—this is a win-win.
So, I grabbed a huge family package for only $5.13. Upon arriving home I split the package into the portions I need for other meals. There was a total of 9 chops in the package. So, as it is just Barry and I, this meant 4 ½ packages of meat portions. As I already have another single pork chop in the freezer, this now actually is 5 full meals.
How much did each pork chop cost? Well, the total cost was $5.13. When you divide it by 9 pork chops, this means that the cost per pork chop is only $0.57. Now that is empowerment on the grocery budget and in the kitchen.
Further Savings
So each pork chop cost only $0.57. In order to make the meal even more economical I looked at how to cook it fast and with few or little more ingredients.
Growing up in a family of 8, six being teenagers, economical meals was always high priority. One family favorite was a simple pan fried pork chop.
This is the recipe I share with you today. 20 Minute Pork Chops.
Simply pull out the electric skillet and some salt and black pepper. Yes, that along with the pork chops and a small amount of cooking oil/bacon grease that is all you need.
Easy To Prepare
Heat the electric skillet to 375 degrees. Now you can either melt some bacon grease on the bottom or not. In this case, I had some bacon grease saved from breakfast earlier, so I melted that in the pan.
Simply salt and pepper each side of the pork chops to your desired taste. Place the chops in the hot electric frying pan. Cover.
After about 10 minutes, turn the chops over and continue to fry them. As they cook they will get a golden crispy outer appearance. Continue to cook with the lid on for about another 5-8 minutes or until fully cooked through.
Simply serve up with your bright vegetable of choice.
Can't get much more simple than that.
A Source Of Economical Recipes
Free Stuff 4 Daily Needs is always looking for ways to help EMPOWER you towards a HOPE and a FUTURE. Helping you to put more real food in your home for less, is one of our goals.
One of those ways included the writing and compiling of the Free Stuff 4 Daily Needs Cookbook. It is over 200 pages and jammed full of recipes from real kitchen cooks. Not from chefs with unpronouncable ingredients that you can't say, let alone afford. No, these are recipes that you can make in your home while fighting budget woes.
Just because finances are tight doesn't mean that you can't have real food and taste at your table. So, grab your copy today: Free Stuff 4 Daily Needs Cookbook.
Print Recipe
Twenty Minute Pork Chops
Cook Time | 15 minutes or less |
Heat the electic frying pan to 375 degrees. Melt the cooking oil or bacon grease.
Salt and pepper both sides of the pork chops to desired covering.
Place the pork chops into the frying pan. Cover.
Turn the pork chops over after about 10 minutes. Cover, and continue to cook.
Cook for another 5 to 8 minutes or until fully cooked through.
Serve up with a bright vegetable. Enjoy!
Recipe Notes
Recipe by Theresa Buker of Free Stuff 4 Daily Needs
Simple real food can be economical and tasty. Looking for more recipes such as this? Then check out the Free Stuff 4 Daily Needs Cookbook. It is over 200 pages and full of recipes that even a novice can cook up. Don't let food security issues keep you from finding ways to put real food on your table. Grab your Free Stuff 4 Daily Needs Cookbook today.
Source: https://freestuff4dailyneeds.com/recipe/twenty-minute-pork-chops/
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