How Many Cars Can You Sell in Gta Online

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Do you have too many cars in Grand Theft Auto 5? Do you want to get rid of some? While it's not possible to sell cars in single-player mode, you can sell cars in GTA Online.[1] This wikiHow teaches you how to sell cars in GTA Online.


  1. 1

    Access GTA Online. While inside the game, press the Options or Menu button on your controller or the "Esc" button on PC to open the In-Game Menu. Here, select the "Online" tab on the right-most side of the menu screen to access Grand Theft Auto Online.

    • If you are playing on Playstation 4 or Xbox One, you are required to have a Playstation Plus or Xbox Live subscription to play games online.
  2. 2

    Choose the character you want to use. The character you'll be using to play the online mode is different from the one you're using to play the story mode. Use the directional buttons to choose the character you want, and press "X" on Playstation, "A" on Xbox, or "Enter" on PC. You will connect to an online game.

    • If you have never played Grand Theft Auto Online, you will be required to create a character.
  3. 3

    Find a car you want to sell. Stroll around the city and find a car you want to sell and steal it. You can also get a car from your garage.

    • Basic cars can be sold for around $1,000 to $2,000, while sports cars can run up to more than $9,000. When you see a car you want to sell, enter the car and drive it away.
  4. 4

    Go to Los Santos Customs. This is the in-game car tuning and modification shop. It has an icon that resembles a spray-can on the map. There is one in Los Santos and one in Harmony.

    • You can only sell cars in GTA Online. You cannot sell cars in Single-player mode.
  5. 5

    Enter the garage. Once you get to the Los Santos Customs shop, park your car in front of the garage door and it will open. Drive your car inside and the shop menu will appear.

    • If you have a wanted level, the garage door will not open.
  6. 6

    Select Sell . It's in the menu that appears when you drive the car into the garage. Use the directional keys to highlight the "Sell" option in the menu. Press "X" on Playstation, "A" on Xbox, or "Enter" on PC to select "Sell".

  7. 7

    Select Sell again. This confirms you want to sell and sells the car. The cash will be added to your funds displayed on the top right-hand corner of the screen.

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  • Question

    Do I have to be online?

    Community Answer

    Yes, you have to be online for this to work.

  • Question

    How do I acquire more garages in story mode to sell cars?

    Community Answer

    You need to buy an apartment with more space for cars. Then it should tell you which garages have space.

  • Question

    If I sell online, does the money stay online or go back to the story mode?

    Community Answer

    The money will remain in online mode.

  • Question

    How do I make my own crew?



    Community Answer

    Go on the Rockstar website, log into your social club account, then go to "Crews" and click "Create a crew."

  • Question

    How do I keep my money saved online?

    Community Answer

    By depositing it in your bank account using an ATM or your cell phone.

  • Question

    If I customize a car in Grand Theft Auto 5, do I get to keep it?

    Community Answer

    It depends on where you keep it. If you keep it in your garage, it will remain yours, but if you just leave it on the street, the car will either be at the police impound or just gone.

  • Question

    Can I invest money online in GTA 5?

    Community Answer

    Stock markets currently not supported in online mode. You can invest by running businesses which come along with missions to get your money!

  • Question

    How do I get money in GTA 5?

    Community Answer
  • Question

    How can I sell a car in Grand Theft Auto 5 story mode?



    Community Answer

    As mentioned in the article, vehicles cannot be sold in story mode. This can only be done in online mode

  • Question

    How many times can I sell cars at the garage?



    Community Answer

    You can sell a car once. After that, you have to get another car to sell at the garage.

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Article SummaryX

1. Start a Grand Theft Auto Online session.
2. Select your online character.
3. Get in a car you want to sell.
4. Drive the car to Los Santos Customs in Las Santos or Harmony.
5. Park the car in front of the garage door.
6. Drive the car in when the garage door opens.
7. Select Sell in the shop menu.
8. Select Sell again to confirm the sale.

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How Many Cars Can You Sell in Gta Online


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